A Rip-roaring Ride Along the Road of Friendship!
Ideal show for children from 7 to 14 of all abilities
12 superb songs
85 to 90 minutes in 2 Acts
When Mole plucks up the courage to explore the Riverbank with his friend Ratty, nothing can prepare him for the adventure that awaits.
Along with Badger and the irrepressible Mr. Toad, the foursome career from one exploit to the next, culminating in a battle not only to save Toad Hall, but their very way of life.
This magical adaptation of The Wind in the Willows musical captures all the wit and bonhomie of Kenneth Grahame’s novel, and aims to bring the delights of this literary classic to yet another generation.
What You Get
Immediate Access!
You will receive links giving you access to a PDF copy of the Script and the Score plus mp3 files of all the tracks once your payment has been received.
Full Production Pack
This includes all of the items listed below, but the Performance Licence is valid for up to 3 performances.
Script & Lyrics
The entire ‘The Wind in the Willows musical’ Script. You can copy this and all the items you purchase.
Vocal / Piano Score
The ‘The Wind in the Willows musical’ Vocal and Piano Score contains the written sheet music for all the songs.
Production Tracks
These tracks includes backings (no vocals) & sound effects.
Vocal Tracks
A definitive recording of songs from the show
Rehearsal Tracks
All the great songs from ‘The Wind in the Willows musical’ with vocal tunes played on organ and guitar. Great for those who learn better by ear than by eye!
There are no vocals on these tracks.
Performance Licence
This is your permission to perform 'The Wind in the Willows musical'.
e.g. If you are planning 3 performances you need to purchase 3 of these.
Production Notes
A guide to staging; costumes; lighting; music and more…
Numbers here assume no doubling of parts
Named characters: 19
Solo singing roles: 17
Minimum Possible Cast: 22
Duration: 85-90 minutes
All named parts involve singing solos except those marked with *
TOAD - Modest, reserved and humble are the three words Toad would use to describe
himself…unfortunately no one else would! Loud, opinionated and (admittedly)
very funny, Toad nevertheless endears himself to his loyal friends through his
generosity of spirit.
RAT - A loyal, dependable and fiercely protective rodent resident of the Riverbank. Rat’s
friends come first, he’d run a mile in tight shoes for them!
MOLE - Bravery is not his middle name, although he wishes it was. Mole longs for
acceptance and grows in stature with the help of his companions. At times quiet
and reflective, a riled Mole is not a pretty sight!
BADGER - Exudes a quiet authority to all he meets. Not even the Weasels mess with
Badger: a natural leader.
SECONDARY CHARACTERS (20 to 60 lines):
CHIEF WEASEL - Snide, cunning, nasty and manipulative. He can’t help being a bully, it’s in his nature…
POLICEMAN - Our Policeman is not the sharpest truncheon in the box. Nevertheless, he won’t accept being called a ‘nincompoop’ – well, not by Toad anyway.
JUDGE - Imagine a stereotypical, draconian tyrant. Then double it. That’s our Judge.
SEA RAT - A wandering, nomadic mystery. What Rat may have been had he travelled the world…
ENGINE DRIVER - Almost as adventurous as Toad, our Engine Driver is prepared to risk all for a thrill.
CAMEOS (up to 20 lines):
PRISON GUARD - Almost as bumbling as our Policeman, but don’t bet he won’t use that pike!
STATION CLERK - Pedantic and petty. For research, visit any British Rail counter…
HORSE - A minor, but important role. Imagine being pulled out of retirement merely on
the whim of an excitable amphibian; a cynical antidote to the hysteria of Toad.
NURSE - Beautiful, caring and too trusting for her own good. She didn’t count on the
wiliness of Toad!
OTTER* - A faithful resident of the Riverbank, looking out for his friends.
CLERK OF THE COURT* - Imagine a stereotypical, draconian tyrant’s greasy assistant. Then double it. That’s our Clerk.
MOUSE* - All alone in the world, our nervous Mouse is happy to have some company at
last, and is pleasantly surprised with the kindness he receives.
JAILER'S DAUGHTER* - A little brash, but probably a founder member of the RSPCA. She doesn’t care for injustice, especially if it concerns animals.
AUNT* - Very brash, and in it for the cash.
ENSEMBLES (mostly group singing, any number in each):
RIVERBANKERS (many solo lines within songs) - They stand for decency, and a quiet life. They’d do anything to avoid the WildWood…
WILDWOODERS (many solo lines within songs) - They stand for manipulation and fear. Happy to scare the Riverbankers in any way they can. They quite like the idea of expanding their little empire…
RABBITS (2 small speaking roles) - Pernickety and very excitable. They’ll say what’s on their mind.
PASSERS-BY (1 small singing solo) - Admirers of Toad’s caravan – much more so than Toad in fact…
WEASELS, STOATS & FERRETS (4 small speaking roles) - The (sour) cream of the Wild Wood crop. Don’t mess with them, wherever you live…
SWALLOWS (2 small speaking roles) - Following their hearts, they travel far and wide throughout the year.
FIELD MICE (2 small speaking roles) - Busy preparing for winter, they usually start around June.
(On the Riverbank) The good creatures of the Riverbank sing of how they love their peaceful, gentle river whilst, in contrast, the shadier, darker creatures of the Wild Wood hint that, although they like the darkness of the Wood, they have their eyes on expanding their territory down to the River, especially Toad Hall. Ratty sets up a picnic by the River and is met by Mole who, fed up with Spring cleaning, has taken a trip down to the unfamiliar Riverbank, by which he is entranced. After briefly meeting gruff Mr Badger, Ratty warns Mole about the Wild Wood and the creatures who live there. They spend a pleasant afternoon on Ratty’s little boat rowing towards the expansive Riverside abode of the whimsical and impulsive Toad (On the Riverbank, reprise). Toad’s latest passion, gypsy caravanning, is in full flood and he eventually persuades his two companions to take a trip with him (Life on the Open Road). For Toad, the novelty quickly wears off and, when their caravan is run off the road by a speeding motor car, a new obsession is sparked into life! Despite warnings from Ratty, Mole sets off into the Wild Wood to find Badger. Becoming lost, Mole is terrorised by the Weasels, Ferrets and Stoats (Who’s There?). Just in time, Badger appears and Mole’s tormentors scatter into the darkness. Badger, Ratty and Mole discuss Toad’s increasingly erratic behaviour with his many motor cars. The ebullient Toad is enjoying his new hobby (Indestructible Toad). We see him driving with very little care and attention, running down a police officer, to whom Toad is less than polite! After many crashes and a brief spell in hospital from where he escapes, Badger corners Toad and berates him for his recklessness (You Exasperating Rogue!), before finally extracting a (false) promise from Toad that he will change his madcap ways. The Weasels, plotting, tempt Toad into stealing a very fast and expensive motor car (On the Road Again!). Toad appears in court charged with stealing the motor car and also with impertinence towards a police officer. He is sentenced, by a rather unsympathetic judge, to twenty years in jail, mostly for cheeking the officer! We see Toad, feeling very sorry for himself, in the dark dungeon cell. (The End Now for Certain).
(Where I Belong) A wandering Sea Rat, sings wistfully of his nomadic and exotic life travelling around the world. The Swallows and the Field Mice are making plans for the Winter. The whole countryside is restless and Ratty, who has never left the Riverbank, starts to yearn for adventure, but Mole, who has no intention of leaving, persuades his friend to stay. Toad, still feeling sorry for himself inside his cell, befriends the resident mouse. The jailer’s daughter, sensing that Toad has been on the wrong end of some pretty rough justice, decides to help him. Together they plan for Toad to swap clothes with the highly bribable and loquacious washerwoman, thus allowing Toad to make his escape. (Toad’s Adventure) Dressed as a washerwoman, Toad first has to dodge the amorous advances of the prison guard then, having lost his wallet, he has to sweet-talk his way onto the footplate of a train. The Engine Driver, aware that his train is being pursued by another locomotive carrying prison guards and policemen, eventually extracts the truth from Toad but nevertheless decides to help him. The chase accelerates through the countryside, and, after exiting a tunnel, Toad leaps from the train, again evading capture! Toad spots the evil Weasels, Stoats and Ferrets on patrol (Stoat Patrol), and, still a little dazed, gradually realises that he is in the grounds of Toad Hall, which the Wildwooders have seized! Just as Toad is about to be taken by the usurpers, Ratty, Mole and Badger rescue him. Toad discovers that, in his absence, his friends, knowing that Toad Hall was in great danger, had taken up residence there. But that one dark night they had been attacked and overpowered by the Wildwooders who now command the place. Badger reveals that he knows of a secret tunnel into Toad Hall and the friends make plans to retake the residence. The Weasels, Stoats and Ferrets are living it up at Toad Hall, using and abusing it as one enormous party venue! (Party Animals). Not expecting an attack and being in the middle of a wild party, the riotous Wildwooders are caught unawares as our brave heroic trio use the tunnel to break out into the heart of Toad Hall. A fierce battle ensues during which the villains are overpowered. Our friends, on hearing that the Wildwooders are truly sorry for their despicable actions, decide to forgive them. Collectively they all agree that the only way for the creatures of the countryside to rub along together is to endeavour to forgive and to share the whole land in peace and harmony. Rat decides to pursue his urge to travel beyond the Riverbank, safe in the knowledge that his real home will always be with his friends, both old and new. The company sing in celebration of their new-found accord (Now We Can Share).